Monday, January 13, 2014

2.0T FSI "Fuel Pump Cam Follower" options- Cryo Treated testing

Anyone that currently owns a 2.0T FSI engine car (05.5 to 08.5 model years, Jetta, Golf, Passat, and Beetle cars, etc) has most likely heard of the dreaded cam follower failures. Long story short, the cheaper fix is to monitor your follower, checking it maybe every other oil change(10k miles) and replace as needed. We decided to do some testing of these OEM cam followers, after having them cryo-treated locally here in Minnesota. And so far, pretty impressed with the results so far, and have around 35k miles of testing on the beta unit as of this typing. as well, some visuals to go from as well.  

"The top is the treated follower with ~30k miles, the middle my follower that failed at 35k miles, and the bottom the one I replaced at 10K miles. It seems the cryotreatment has prolonged the life of the follower substantially compared to these other examples."

"Also if you compare the most recent picture to the one I took at 10K there has been very little wear since. While I'm thinking this isn't a lifetime fix, it is definitely an improvement over the current. I'll continue to keep you posted."

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